Section 4 – Cattle

BEFORE UNLOADING any cattle, owners/handlers must report to the Chief Steward. A copy of the National Cattle Health Declaration
(NCHD), (October 2022) previously sent (refer item 9 above) will be reviewed by the Chief Stewart before unloading.
Please note;
• As of 1 July 2016, the national approach to Bovine Johne’s Disease (BJD) was to remove zoning on account of BJD status
• As of 1 November 2016, the Cattle market Accreditation Program (CattleMAP) ceased to exist.
Consequently, there are no restrictions on entry of beef or dairy cattle into NSW and no cattle remain in quarantine on account of BJD.
However, in the interest of the Wentworth Show Exhibitors, if the answer to Question 6 on the NCHD (Are these cattle from a herd or property with an occurrence of Johne’s desease (JD) within the last five years? Is YES, the Wentworth Show Society Inc will not allow entry. In addition to this dairy cattle and beef cattle will be housed separately whilst at the show.

National Animal Health Declarations are available at the following link:

Stockowner Obligations re National Livestock Identification
Scheme (NLIS) Cattle –
All cattle being moved to the show must be identified with an NLIS device before leaving their property. The owner or person in charge of the cattle is responsible for recording the movement of their cattle to the Showground and back to their property within 2 days. The Wentworth Showground PIC is NA600374. All movements must be accompanied by an approved movement document which would be a Travelling Stock Statement (TSS) or National Vendor Declaration/Waybill (NVD/ Waybill Cattle) is required for each leg of the journey. All movement documents must be retained by the owner or person in charge of the stock for 7 years, as for any other property to property movement.

For more information:

Make sure your livestock carrier understands the risk of spread of Johne’s disease and does not put your animals at risk during transport to and from Wentworth Show.
• Clean vehicle out before load and after unload to prevent your stock coming in contact with contaminated faeces, food and water.
• Floor of sheds and stalls housing assessed animals will be inspected and cleaned, washed or covered, if necessary, before assessed animals enter the facility.
• Animals will be fed and watered above ground level, to prevent faeces (dung) contaminating their food and water.
• Faecal material will be collected regularly and removed to a place where stock has no access. This is particularly important in laneways.
• Special attention should be paid when cleaning out pens so that animals do not have access to areas, fixtures and bedding that are contaminated by other flocks or herds.
• Equipment used for mucking out will be cleaned regularly to prevent build-up of faeces.
• Sick animals will be isolated if Johne’s disease or other infectious disease is considered a possibility.
• All animals need to be adequately supervised to maintain separation.
• Animals are to be restricted to their designated areas by tethering or some other means of restraint, or penning, when not being led.