Section 1 – Sheep

BEFORE UNLOADING any sheep, owners/handlers must report to the Chief Steward. A copy of the National Sheep Health Declaration
(Version 5, July 2019), previously sent (refer item 9 above) will be reviewed by the Chief Steward before unloading.
Please Note:
1. Section B: FOOTROT/LICE/OVINE BRUCELLOSIS The owner declares that the sheep displayed are from a flock that is free of VIRULENT FOOTROT and LICE. The ownerdeclares that the rams displayed are from a flock in the OVINE BRUCELLOSIS Scheme. It is a requirement of the Wentworth Show Committee that if the rams are not part of an Accredited Ovine Brucellosis free flock then they have been blood tested with Negative results to CFT. These results will need to be certified by the private or government veterinarian who carried out the testing and the paperwork supplied to the Chief Steward.
2. Section C: OVINE JOHNE’S DISEASE (OJD) The owner declares that “to the best of my knowledge, all consigned sheep are from a flock that is not suspected of being infected with OJD”. Sheep attending the show MUST be housed, fed and watered separately from all other stock at the show.
National Animal Health Declarations are available at the following link:
Stockowner Obligations re National Livestock Identification Scheme (NLIS) sheep – Sheep that are moved to and from the Wentworth Show must all be tagged before leaving their property or showground. All movements must be accompanied by a Travelling Stock Statement (TSS) or National Vendor Declaration/Waybill (NVD/ Waybill Sheep). All movement documents must be retained by the owner or person in charge of the sheep for 7 years, as for any other property to property movement. All movements of sheep and goats must be recorded on the NLIS database within 2 days of the movement occurring. For more information please follow this link: Please note the Property Identification Code (PIC) for the Wentworth Showground is: NA600374

All exhibits to be penned by 5.00 p.m. Friday, 23rd August. This rule will be strictly supervised by the Tribunal.

For all enquiries, please contact

CHIEF STEWARD: G. Pollard (03) 5027 3713.

SHEEP STEWARDS: A. Baird, P. Baird, N. Baird, R. C. Baird, K. Crook, J.B. Duncan, S. Duncan, W. Duncan, P. Larwood,
B. McPherson, P. McPherson, B. Pollard, N. Pollard, R.M. Smith, C. McPherson.